Cycling and mountain biking submontane mount Aschberg
Having a break on mount Alberthöhe
© Thomas Lenk

Cycling and mountain biking submontane mount Aschberg

Biker‘s will find their personal paradise in our mountains. Most of the hiking trails are recommendable for them. It‘s possible to go on a nice long trip without „meeting" any mountain. During wintertime, the cross-country ski run Kammloipe is highly frequented by snow-addicts, but in summertime, it‘s biker‘s paradise. All bikeways are well-signposted, it‘s easy even for tourists to follow the directions. There are several agencies that offer bikes for rent. It‘s no secret anymore, that the city of Klingenthal has got everything a biker‘s paradise needs. Even popular events like the „German championship of cycling" or the „Saxon championship of cycling" take place in the city.

Musikstadt Klingenthal


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