Bicycle tour #4
Going downhill between Mühlleithen and Klingenthal
© Thomas Lenk

Bicycle tour #4

Bicycle tour #4: From the Vogtland to the western part of the Ore Mountains

The route comprises a normative way of doing it, with several possibilities of adding some more kilometers. Concerning ambitious cyclists, the tour takes one day. It can be done by race bike or touring bike.

Route 4

Starting in Klingenthal, heading towards the city of Markneukirchen until Zwota (shortcut directing the city of Schöneck is possible, additional uphill-climb of 7.90 kilometers), normative tour goes on passing the cities of Gopplasgrün, Schöneck, Muldenberg, Hammerbrücke, Jägersgrün, Rautenkranz, Carlsfeld, Wildenthal, Eibenstock, Schönheide, back to Rautenkranz (short visit in Morgenröthe and Sachsengrund, all the same way back, additional 12.50 kilometers), Jägersgrün and Klingenthal, where the tour comes to an end.

Profil 4

Total length normative route: 86.60 kilometers
Total duration: average of 30 km/h
Difference in altitude: see altitude profile
Characteristic of the route: challenging
Rating: ambitious bikers, in peak condition


Musikstadt Klingenthal


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