Interactive journeys
View behind the scenes of a producer of musical instruments
© musicon vallex

Interactive journeys

Experience the world of the production of musical instruments
The oldest factory to produce accordions is situated in Klingenthal, the city of music. It is called „Weltmeister Akkordeon Manufaktur GmbH" and is famous all over the world. But only the master craftsmen themselves know what‘s going on backstage.
An exclusive view behind the scenes will answer all of your questions, no matter what they concern, keys, buttons, accordions or reeds. Predominantly, the musical instruments are produced by handcraft, always with passion to details. You will benefit from that unique opportunity to talk shop about accordions and mouth organs with master craftsmen, producers and people addicted to music. Get to know a world full of musical instruments, sounds and impressions you will never forget. Trying to play a musical instrument is permitted and appreciated. In addition, a visit of one of the world‘s oldest factories to produce mouth organs, which is called C.A. Seydel Söhne, can be booked.

Musikstadt Klingenthal


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