Ski-lift of Mühlleithen
Downhill of Mühlleithen
© Thomas Lenk

Ski-lift of Mühlleithen

Ski-lift of Mühlleithen
Rating: easy, length 170 meters, t-bar, floodlight

The downhill of Mühlleithen is one of the region‘s most favored ones. Even the youngest kids can practice there. The downhill is equipped with floodlight and machines producing artificial snow, for more fun even in fall and spring. A t-bar gets you uphill.

visit website

Ski-lift Jägerstraße

Ski-lift Jägerstraße

Rating: medium, length: 340 meters, t-bar, floodlight

Opening hours:
Wednesday and Friday: 05.00 p.m. - 09.00 p.m. (floodlight)
Saturday: 10.00 a.m. - 09.00 p.m. (floodlight)
Sunday: 10.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.
During vacation in Saxony every day from 10.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.
Cell-phone: +49/(0)176/27148167; +49/(0)17610213515
Visit website

Ski-lifts in Bublava (Czech Republic)

Ski-lifts in Bublava (Czech Republic)

Rating: easy, medium and hard; length 5 kilometers; eight ski-lifts; ski-rental; Opening hours: every day from 09.00 a.m. - 08.00 p.m.
Snow phone: +420/352 696 830
Ski-lifts and slopes
Pure fun on skis - all types of slopes are available, from easy to challenging

Ski-lifts and slopes

Ski-lifts and slopes
For those who like alpine skiing and snowboarding, there are many types of going downhill: soft or steep hillsides, equipped with t-bars and partly with floodlight. A racy kind of fun is guaranteed on the ski-lifts in Mühlleithen and on the ski-lift in the street Jägerstraße.

Musikstadt Klingenthal


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